Aspiring student innovators filled the rooms of the Fr. Selga Campus, UIC, Davao City as the Technology Business Incubation (TBI) facility of the University of the Immaculate Conception hosted a Reverse Pitching program titled Pakighinabi on July 4, 2023 (Tuesday). It is a series of informative plenary sessions led by experts who shed light on the various problems and challenges pertaining to health in Davao City. The objective is to address the need for technology in health and wellness by identifying unmet needs, fostering collaboration and innovation, tailoring solutions to specific requirements, and accelerating technology adoption.
The program Pakighinabi, derived from the Visayan term “panaghinabi” meaning “conversation,” commenced with a lively sofa session moderated by Dr. Melacio Sy. Esteemed speakers including Ms. Maria Glenda T. Montaña, RN, MAN, Vice President of the Philippine Nurses Association Davao City Chapter; Ms. Cindy Joy Galindo Ong-Mahumoc, RN, Quality Management Systems Director of Davao Doctors Hospital; Engr. Alejandro Ravago, Global Neurology Product Manager of Nihon Kohden; and Dr. Nelson de Castro Magnaye, Guidance Officer of Ateneo de Davao University, joined Dr. Sy in discussing the expectations and challenges related to health and wellness in Davao City.
The first session, led by Ms. Maria Glenda T. Montaña, RN, MAN, was about the challenges in health centers. She cited constraints such as limited personnel resources, insufficient medical equipment, and the ongoing transition to digital platforms as major hindrances encountered by hospitals and health centers.
Ms. Cindy Joy Galindo Ong-Mahumoc, RN, delved into the topic of hygiene and sanitation in Davao City. Her discussion included the proper maintenance of machines employed in solid waste management. She emphasized the importance of providing training to students who may eventually work in this field, enabling them to effectively operate such machinery.

The third talk, Health Technologies for Engineering, was handled by Engr. Alejandro Ravago. He introduced the concept of a hospital workflow management system and its potential in addressing the issue of limited personnel. He also challenged students to develop a system that could automate processes such as appointment setting and vital monitoring.
Dr. Nelson de Castro Magnaye centered his session on Mental Health Issues in Davao. He advocated for a reframing and reorientation of mental health treatment, discussing various practices and approaches. Additionally, he presented an overview of the mental health landscape in Davao City, highlighting municipalities with health ordinances, functional crisis hotlines, and hospitals and health centers equipped to assess and treat mental health problems.

To conclude the program, Dr. Emma V. Sagarino expressed gratitude to the speakers, partners, sponsors, and students for their participation. She also encouraged students to enroll in the Technology Business Incubation (TBI) program, inviting them to become part of this innovative initiative.